I can't wait for the summer. Amongst other things I have shopping to do! I got accepted with an unconditional offer to Queen Margaret's University for Costume Design which I am really excited about. I had gotten an offer from Edinburgh College of Art but QMU's course seems to be more about the practical skills and QMU is smaller which suits me as although I'm creative I am quite a quiet person. I will be moving there in probably August/September time which is really exciting. I can't wait to go.
It will be strange moving out of my Mum's house even if I will be going back for holidays but the student life there looks really good. The campus is just a stone's throw away from the accommodation and there is a bar, cafe and gym on site. The local supermarket is apparently just a few minutes walk away and to each flat there are six to a flat. You have your own bedroom and toilet though they are quite small. I think this may be a good thing as if the bedrooms are small it should, in theory, be easier to tidy.
Yeah Right!
Currently I am looking for a summer job involving costume to dip my toe in before I go. This week I will start emailing theatre to see if they need anyone even on a volunteer basis. And, Yes I have told my current employers this but since I'll be leaving come August/September time regardless, they don't mind.
This summer I have plans to start making my own clothes. That may not end up happening but its my wee dream for the summer. I was also thinking of going away somewhere. Maybe a weekend abroad or even just camping for the weekend.
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