Thursday, 23 May 2013

We're all going on a Summer Holiday


College is winding down. I only have two weeks left.

I finished making my dress and I finished my work for my CAD class.

I have really enjoyed college this year and since I got accepted into second year I am looking forward to next year now. I have been looking up evening classes but I don't know if I'll be able to go to them.

I have a new client to go to so more of my free time has been eaten up by work and just today my mum who is also my boss asked me to taken on another client.

I am hopefully going to comic con this year!! My best friend asked if I wanted to so I said I'll go if she goes to Rocky Horror with me as it's back in Glasgow in August. I'm looking forward to going and I think I'm going to go as Sherlock from the BBC series.

Doctor Who is finished for this series. I have to say I am quite disappointed by the series finale. There was such a build up during the episode and it was so anticlimatic. However, in saying that, I do like that River Song is back. I hope they don't split the next season of Doctor Who the way they did this season.

BBC's Sherlock is back on British screens in September. The dates for the new episodes are:
15 Sep. 2013
22 Sep. 2013
29 Sep. 2013

And! Sherlock's suicide is apparently explained unlike in the original Arthur Conan Doyle novels where Sherlock Holmes just reappears without explaination. I can't wait! I've been YouTube Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman and watching and re-watching Sherlock till my eyes bleed. I know it's a little early to be fangirling but the BBC just seem to have a knack for getting me hooked on their programs.

I still havent read all of the original ACD short stories I have read a Scandal in Belgravia and the one about the ginger's but I havent quite gotten to Moriarty nor have I read anything about Mycroft yet but I seem to have went off books for the time being. I might get back into them as the summer starts.


Bobbi Jean
Quintiessential Information

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