Saturday, 18 April 2015

Creative Writing Series 1

I've decided to write a series of short stories and post them regularly on my blog. This is an effort to get into the habit of updating more frequently. So I went onto and used their story starters to get myself started. I hope you all enjoy them and would love to hear your comments and reviews of my work.

1.     A stolen ring, fear of spiders, and a sinister stranger.

Anna fingered the finger where her mother’s ring used to sit. It had been a beautiful ring. Gold with a black stone surrounded by white stones. Before it had been stolen, it had been her mother’s engagement ring. Although her mother had never been married it was still something which had adorned her mother’s hand since before Anna had been born.

Upon moving halfway round the world to Melbourne, Australia, her mother had given the ring to her as a token to remind her of home. Her mother would laugh at her for the loss of the ring, tell her she should be more careful with her belongings perhaps, and not to trust the “friend” who had taken it.

There was no sentimental value to the ring. An old suitor of her mothers who had proposed and after a few months engaged had been hit in the face with the damn thing. Then her mother had remember that she had bought it with her own money and promptly demanded it back.

Still, the guilt of losing something which was not her own nagged at her and would continue to do so until she confessed the story to her mother.

This new country was a scary place to be without her mother. It had always been the two of them and adjusting was hard. Not that she was alone. She did have cousins who lived nearby, but she barely knew any of them. Her only contact with them before moving here was through an old senile member of the family who was always telling of them but she hadn’t actually spoken to any of them.

The climate alone was vastly different to home. At home it was warm for only a few days in summer and nowhere near the temperature here. She had needed to replace most of her wardrobe within the first few days of arriving.

The neighbour across the street hadn’t minded that. He would stare whenever she left the house and had asked her out numerous times. She wouldn’t have minded if it was for the pig-headed, grossly sexist comments he would make.

He was amused whenever she opened the mailbox at the end of the drive and scream as a mammoth spider lurking at the other end would come scuttling out. She wasn’t afraid of spiders. She wasn’t. But these things were not like the spiders at home. No, these were double the size and hairy. And when they came crawling out of her mail box she wasn’t expecting them. Of course that would make her scream.

What made it worse was that he would just stand behind her laughing. Trying to hide it of course, so instead it would come out as a snort. Possibly one of the most unattractive noises imaginable. It was just a shame that his looks weren't as unattractive as the rest of him.

Friday, 10 April 2015


Uni has kept me busy and I know it's been a long time since I updated.

The Renfrewshire Witch Hunt fell through. I did go in to chase them up about volunteering but they just said they would be getting back to me within the week but I never heard from them despite going to see them a few times.

I am loving living at Queen Margaret University. I am less than 10 mins from Edinburgh by trains and less than half an hour by bus. My flatmates have all turned out to be really nice. I have 5 flatmates all girls...which is disappointing for all of us. We all wanted to be sharing with at least one guy. We have a mix of different people from different areas and subject areas.

The course is fantastic. I am learning so much about costume and get to work on shows for the uni as part of the course twice a year. We started with unfitted garments then I worked on Gamestastic show for the National Museum of Scotland. At the same time we got to learn about other aspects of the theatre like lighting, which I have fallen in love with, and sound. In addition to this we had a drawing module where we had to draw lots of characters in costume.  I have just complete the second show called Harlequinade, which we were making costumes for acrobats and clowns. Both of them were really stressful but totally worth it. Currently I am working on Fitted Garments and a straw bonnet which will, in addition to another drawing project, finish off my coursework for the year.

Unfortunately in October I was hospitalised for an abscess in the base of my spine which had to be lanced and drained thankfully while I was put under general anaesthetic. I then had to go back to the nurse everyday for a month to get the wound packed. Turns out paracetamol works wonders if you take it half an hour before getting your wound packed!

I joined a few societies. I joined the Drama Society and Cobweb Theatre Company Society and through them I got to work onstage as well as in the tech box which was really cool. I really love working with the lighting. I worked on the lighting for Cobweb's showcase Wonders of the Web. After Christmas I didnt go back to the Drama Society as it was getting too much as I was working on the Gamestastic show as well as both societies. Cobweb introduced me to working with Ridotto which was a night held by our uni in the Caves in Edinburgh. Unfortunately this year was the last year it was going to run but I thoroughly enjoying working the lighting for it. I got to work in the Edinburgh Student Arts Festival dressing people for their catwalk. I got to do a monologue from Taming of the Shrew for Cobweb's Nacho Ordinary Cobweb Show which was really fun. Cobweb has got several upcoming events which I get to tech including Fear and Misery in the Third Reich, with sound this time, which I am also organising the costumes for and Caught in the Web which is only for new writing which I will tech. Hopefully lighting but I'm fine with either.

I got to work backstage at the Kings theatre in the costume department of Oliver! with a lady named Kate for one night only. She seemed really nice and told me about opportunities for the future which is always nice to hear about. When I came home I was buzzing from experience. I loved it.

Now my First Year is coming to an end and while the year has just flown by so fast I am looking forward to second year.