Friday, 30 August 2013

Back to College


Well as the title suggests I'm back to college. Today we were at the Hunterian Museum. Details will be posted on my official College blog which is now up and running. I fixed the spelling mistake in Quintessential Go me! Being back at college is fun yet stressful. Moneys have to be paid and time used up but it's all worth it...Well it will be one day... just kidding I love it. It's good to be back.

I joined the gym! Yes I actually am taking an interest in my health. I have been going almost everyday so far and I have been making an effort to actually eat I have really enjoyed going it really gives me a boost when I go I think "Yes I'm actually losing weight". Whether that's true or not because I don't actually keep a record of my weight exactly. At the moment I'm around thirteen stone but I could stand to lose some weight. I'm about a UK size 16 and my aim is to drop a dress size. Today is my Purge day. The one day a week I get to forget all the healthy stuff and eat what I want and laze about if I want as I have heard that your body gets used to the change in lifestyle and adapts and you end up not losing as much but if you have a day where you can do what you like it resets your system thinking it's still unhealthy and you lose the weight.

Admittedly this does sound like its a load of bogus but it's my way and I'll stick to it. I also take two days off the gym a week as I just don't have the time on those days. Wednesdays and Fridays are my two full college days and I work straight after college till seven so all I can think about after work is getting my dinner, college homework or blog updates and then sleep. This is the first week of my new healthier lifestyle and so far I don't see much difference but I'm sure I'll get there.

It's my Gran's birthday tomorrow and I have got her something very special. I have went halves with my Dad on it as it was quite expensive but it was my idea. I'm going to visit my Gran tomorrow so I'll be able to tell her in person. I've been sitting on what it is for months so I have been tempted to tell her so many times.

My friend 'spazzyhawk' is away to college just outside Edinburgh. He's doing Animal Care so I hope he's having a great time.

The New Doctor has now been announced Woo Wee Ooo.

Have to admit I was disappointed because I had heard rumors that Andrew Scott was one of the favorites in the betting and I had hoped they were true. Peter Capaldi though..... I don't know how I feel about him being the Doctor. For one he's older than all the previous doctors of the new series. Secondly he has in fact been in the series before and though I could look the other way when they did it with Martha as it was explained as her cousin I feel weird about the whole thing. Finally the only things I've seen Peter Capaldi in was Spartacus which isn't exactly family friendly and Torchwood where he played John Frobisher which is set in the same universe as Doctor Who and John Frobisher is quite a spineless character and both of those don't fit with my image of the Doctor. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what he's like.

Sherlock is back on our screens soon. I can't wait! I've been ogling pictures of BC all summer and watching almost everything he's ever been in. If you ever get the chance I would highly recommend Hawking, Amazing Grace and of course the fabulous Parade's End (Even if he does go blonde).

Played some more of Final Fantasy X. Got unstuck. I'm now right near the end. I've got to entering Sin and going through that map that only shows you where you've already been.

In college we are doing a series of small projects in order to build up portfolios for applying to universities and art schools but I've barely even thought of where I would want to go. Ideally if I could stay at home and still go to art school or university it would be brilliant but it might not go that way and then I'd have to start researching accommodation and part time jobs. In saying that moving away might be fun. Meeting new friends, flat sharing and the like.

I still have alot to think about.

Bobbi Jean
Quintessential Information

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Summer's almost over


So summer ends at the end of August. Have I have done alot since I last posted?...Not really. I did to the Glasgow Comic Con and got burnt shoulders from walking about Glasgow. While I was there I bought my first comic books. Which I have yet to read. Mostly Avengers though I did buy some Scooby doo although for 50p a comic it did seem like a good deal. In saying that I spent most of my wages over that weekend.

I also spent about four days in total gaining research for my print project for when I go back to college. I still havent posted on my "college blog" but I think I'll start it when I get back to college. It'll be easier to update regularly if I set deadlines for the college week and update it in that way. I got my timetable for college which I kind of like it but one of the days I have to go in at 2.15 to 6.15 which means later getting home. It also means less money as I usually work Thursday from 5 till 6. The lady I go to is not amused. She hated it when I told her.

I saw the educational psychologist last week who said I may have dyspraxia. She's going to send the report to my college and I'll hear from there. Dyspraxia is confusing. I don't really know how to explain exactly what it is but I known some symptoms are: Being easily distracted, Being uncoordinated, Forgetfulness leading to the misplacing of things, the inability to judge distances properly.
Those arent the only symptoms. There is a whole host of others but not everyone with dyspraxia has them and not everyone with those symptoms is dyspraxic. One of my Mum's friend's son has dyspraxia so my Mum has been joking that it must be the way we were raised as we pretty much grew up in the same house.

Mum's lodger, John, who has lived with us for years, went to England for two weeks so Mum and I have been keeping house. Needless to say while our washing has been kept up with and we have done well with cooking meals we have a surplus of food nearly out of date, piles of ironing and we no longer have any clean dishes. It's my fault. Mum works from 8.30am till midnight every night so I should have done it however I got distracted. I got Netflix so I've been watching The Vampire Diaries right the way through for the first time. I'm such a Delena shipper. Ian Somerhalder is so.. Hot. And the chemistry between Elena is Damon is sizzling.

I found my old PS2 meaning I've been playing Final Fantasy X over again.  I got to the battle with Seymour just before the Zanarkand Ruins and got stuck so I restarted the gameon another save slot and am currently trying to level up in the Kilika Woods after gaining the second Aeon, Ifrit, so I can get round the Sphere Grid before moving on as I realised when I was trying the Seymour battle that I couldn't level up properly with the robot things because I kept dying. So I thought I'd try to get Yuna some actual melee skills because she can't hold her own in the battles. I have to admit I don't have much experiance with the Expert Sphere Grid so I'm still using the Basic. I have played Final Fantasy X2 but as I didn't complete the Final Fantasy X on my own I thought I should probably do that first. I heard that it's being restored for Playstation 3 but I don't have one nor an Xbox 360 so I'm gonna stay true to the PS2 version till it blackout and dies.

I know to most who wouldn't have played the game that the last paragraph will seem like gibberish but I used to watch my step/foster sister play it all the timeand I got really in to it. Video/computer games are my guilty pleasure. FFX, FFX2, Star Ocean, Bloody Roar 4, Ragnarok, Tibia, Ragnarok 2, WoW. These are my secret stash of goodies. I haven't played some of them in a while especially WoW because that one's expensive and I only took the free trial but I can't help but return to them every so often.

Most of my Holidays has been working. Holidays always me work for me because I happen to live with my boss. My Mum won't take no for an answer when she wants me to cover and it's very hard to argue when she says 'but all you'll be doing is sitting watching TV' and of course everyone wants to go on holidays at the same time. Some people say holidays should be banned. Mine kind of are. I still get holiday pay but Mum and I never go on holiday and now that she's a boss she hasn't got the time too. She did suggest we go to Amsterdam for the weekend but then we'd both have to get a passport.

Speaking of passports. With the Scottish Independance refrendum coming up sometime in the future I told someone the other day that they would need to get a passport to go to England if the Yes vote won and he said no because we'd still be a part of the UK.....Don't think he really gets what independance means.

Personally I am against independance. I don't think we have the money to sustain ourselves independantly however sometime that really gets on my nerves is the 'young people' argument. So called due to the fact that its the first thing young people say when they believe we should go independant and try to counter the no money argument. This is the 'but the North Sea Oil'. Here's the problem: This is not a sustainable source of income. Sooner or later the oil will run out and we no longer have the heavy industry of yester year to support us. True we do have the service industry, the whisky, Irn Bru and electricity but is it enough? I don't know, I'm not an economist, but I would like to hear these arguments rather than just 'oil' out of the mouths of young people.

Anyway it's late and I have to wake up early tomorrow for work.
Bobbi Jean
Quintessential Information