Saturday, 2 February 2013


Okay so its the start of Febuary and I thought it might have been time to update. I tried updating earlier in the week but the publish failed.
At the start of this week we had a talk in college from the girl who runs Bee waits for noone. It was a very interesting talk on how to write blogs.
Our college has just changed to the second block and I have three new projects to do. Last block Our class had to design a tshirt and a print as well as making up embroidery samples.

I enjoy both embroidery and print though I have to admit I prefer knitting and crochet. I knit alot but Im not so good at crochet so I have asked a friend of mine that I met in college if she could show me and in return I'll show her knitting.

Knitting seems to be a dying art. It has been associated for years with old ladies knitting for their grandchildren. If I am out and about I try to take my knitting with me but I am regularly approached and asked what I am knitting and why.

Currently I am knitting bags which I will post pictures of on my blog. I am also knitting a blanket made of a few different strips of knitted fabric.

I am also thinking of using felting for one of my currrent college projects.

I would like to explore different ways of making and manipulating fabrics.
Bobbi Jean
Quintessential Information