Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Modern life

Its amazing how life has changed in just a few years. The internet has become such a great part of life that it is now considered essential that you have to have access to it. Today was my college induction and the main way that the college communicates with its student is through email. Even the list of recommended reading that I've been give includes blogs and online magazines. 

Everywhere I look see people on the internet using their phones or tablets yet the people who could use it most have no interest at all.

Most older people I know have no knowledge of how to work a computer. I know that their are courses and such on it aimed at older people but sometimes I talk to my gran about something I've seen or heard and she has no idea what I'm going on about.

I tend to go on about the internet a lot and I'm sure people get bored but just can't seem to stop. Especially when I find a project to do on a website or a great discount I can use. I really don't know how people can live in today's world and do without it.

My new tablet, the Google nexus 7, unfortunately doesn't have 3g so I'm having to make do with Mac Donalds free WiFi which my excuse for not going someplace healthier to eat. I've got everything you want by vertical horizon on repeat cos I go through spates of just listening to one song that I absolutely love for a few weeks but then I hear it too much and then I can't listen to it for a few weeks. Well I should be going now cos my tablets gonna run out of battery in a minutes.

Bobbi Jean
Quintessential Information

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Days of Summer

Have you ever noticed that the last days of summer are the most boring? I can never find anything to do. There's always that week or so before the holidays end that feel like the stretch on forever and you always find yourself bored, watching reruns of all the series that you have ever watched. Maybe it's just because I'm waiting to start a college course but I feel so bored. At least when the schools are on I feel productive but right now I feel like there's no point to anything. 

Although I now have three jobs so I have been busy but I haven't seen much of people my own age. I think I've been out with my friends twice this summer. 

I have taken up swimming. Every Saturday between work I go swimming but it's quite a lonely sport when you're just doing lengths.

I'm not even sure I would want anyone with me as I usually feel self conscious when I exercise.
So here I am sitting putting off work and watching reruns of glee waiting for my introduction for college next week with a half finished project to complete and messing about with my new tablet computer which keeps being stolen by my mum so she can play the logo quiz .

And now I have to go before I'm late for work as I think I've put it off as long as I possibly can.
Bobbi Jean
Quintessential Information

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Typical Scottish Weather

Colours always appear to be much more vibrant in the sunlight. Unfortunately rain seems to dominate our weather patterns in Scotland.

There are many different types of rain. A small drizzle where the rain is more like mist. Sometimes this can be worse than a downpour as the mist-like rain soaks everything slowly but umbrellas are rarely used as it is so light.

Then there is light rain. The water is more like droplets than mist but it is usually accompanied by wind. You can see some umbrellas up but they are quickly stolen or broken by the wind turning them inside out or if the wind is strong blowing them down the street.

Last but not least there is the complete downpour. Surprisingly this is my favorite type of rain. Despite the fact that this is the type to soak you to the bone and freeze you to death I love days when it pours because I enjoy spending my day listening to the raindrops hit the window sill while sitting in front of the electric fire which is only broken out for occasions such as this. The feeling of coming home having been drenched from head to toe and then changing into nice clean dry pajamas and sitting in front of the fire with a duvet wrapped around you is incomparable.

In saying that when I get caught in it and I'm running to avoid getting soaked I have to keep telling myself that a least we will never have a drought. Every cloud has a silver lining. But it does suck when you have to get about in the freezing cold rain trying not to get wet.

I should count my blessings though. We don't tend to get natural disasters here which is a big plus, and rain we can deal with.

Sunny days are rare in Scotland and even then when we get one it is usually spoiled half way through with a light shower. When sunny days come they are beautiful. Blue skies barely any clouds and they are so warm we start complaining about of the heat. Usually they come just before the school kids get away for summer break. Then they go away and return when the schools go back. Sometime the nights are better than the days in terms of sun. Around eight or nine the clouds just disappear to show the sunset and the reddish colours stretch out over the sky.

Bobbi Jean
Quintessential Information

Origin of the Name

A few years ago I remember trying to work out what the letters stood for in the comedy panel show QI. A close family friend suggested "Quintiessential Information" so you can imagine that upon finding out that it actually stood for "Quite Interesting" that we were a little disappointed.

It's funny how certain words have different moods associated with them. When I say "quintiessential" it makes me feel quite posh and educated even if I had to look up the word to know its meaning.

In contrast the Scottish word "Maw" has the opposite effect. But then I could never picture myself calling my Mum anything other than "mum" or "mummy". The American version "Mom" sounds wrong to my ears especially in my Scots accent.

Even certain phrases that have fallen out of use can now sound wrong or sound very posh. I work with an older woman who is constantly correcting my grammar. Every time I say "Me and my Mum" she shouts back at me "My Mother and I". Now it may just be me but other than the lady I work with I do not know anyone who says "My Mother and I". When I try to say it properly I can barely wrap my mouth around the phrase although when writing I tend to have good grammar.

My Mum is on night shift tonight and I tend not to get any sleep on the nights that she is away so if I ramble it's from insomnia. Although I am a pretty bad sleeper anyway so that not really an excuse. I can sleep pretty easily in the day but at night it takes me hours to get to sleep.

I often end up reading or going on my phone to try to tire my eyes. I feel like I've been reading my whole life. I cannot remember learning to read but in primary school it was the one bit of homework I liked doing. I used to get into trouble alot for reading ahead.

The first book I was ever really obsessed with was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I read that book so many times that I can't read it any more.

No really some of the pages are falling out.

The first great book that you will remember for the rest of your life is usually one that is given to you by family. For me this was no different. My cousin gifted me the first four Harry Potter books because he didnt want them. This was before they became the big famous worldwide phenomonon that they are now and I'm guessing he now has bought the whole series.

Books and jobs are the two greatest things that I could ever recommend to anyone. Books provide an insight into a world that can never truly be accessed without them. Books open up your imagination better than anything ever could. I once read a piece on a witch being burned at the stake and it was so detailed I could feel the pain of the one watching. It actually made me cry. Some people say you can get that with films but I rarely if ever get emotional at films.

I started working at age 17. Technically from age 15 but I was just helping out my Mum in her job as a cleaner. At the start of this year I got my first official job as a support worker in my Mum's care company. I love the freedom it gives me. I can go out and get whatever I want. Do whatever I want. Within limits of course but thats the way the world goes.

Well I think thats enough rambling on for tonight.
Goodbye, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen and Goodnight to you all.